Make Money Online

How to earn money from YouTube

Making money from YouTube is not as easy as you see on YouTube and Google. But it is possible if you want to earn money from YouTube.
how to earn money from YouTube

As you now know that being self-sufficient is very important for everyone, this is your strength. YouTube also looks for people like this who want to do something on their own in life. We all have some hidden talent but first of all, we need to improve our skills. As you think that you do comedy well and you think that I can make everyone laugh easily, this is your talent. You can create your own comedy videos and upload them to YouTube so that you can easily earn money.

Youtube Dashboard
Youtube Dashboard
How to create a youtube channel?

First of all, go to google and search to create a Gmail account. Create account page will open in front of you, after filling all the given information, your Gmail account will open, after that you go to YouTube and click on your profile photo and create YouTube channel Google will ask you to fill the name of the channel. Submit the channel name after filling it. After this, you can go to the settings of the channel and verify the channel with the mobile number, after that your channel will be ready to upload the video.

How to upload videos on youtube?

First of all, you have to prepare your video well so that YouTube and viewers can understand it better. Today many computer software and mobile apps are available in the market with the help of which you can edit videos and improve your performance further. After this, you have to make the title of the video so easy that people can easily search on YouTube. After this, go to YouTube and click on your profile picture, the list will open in front of you, there you have to click on your channel option, after that the page will open in front of you by doing your channel, there you have to click on upload video after that your video Select the title and description, then you will have to write very well on the title and description, this will help your video to reach the viewers, after which you will start uploading your video after clicking upload.

If you get good views, then try harder than ever on your videos. You will need 1000 subscribers and 4000 hours on your YouTube channel to earn money. This will be the first biggest task you have taken, but if you work hard on your channel and improve your content then you will find this task very easy. After completing this task you have to do it.

Adsense Dashboard
Adsense Dashboard
How to create an Adsense account?

You have to create an Adsense account from your Gmail account, it will play ads on your video from Google and money will start coming to your Adsense account as much as you pay to play ads on YouTube videos.

Video editing Apps?

Kinemaster, Powerdirector is the best for you.


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