
Types of advertising media

Advertising is everything for the business and the brand. Without it, business and no brand can get much growth. We need advertising in the business sector to increase business and win trust with our clients. The Types of advertising media we are going to discourage

Types of advertising media
Types of advertising

Basic Information on Advertising

The most simple way to understand learning is when we are watching something on television. Then a break occurs for some time in which the products of a company are shown, this is called advertising. There are many types of these. Like when we have a newspaper, then the newspaper company has given some information about the bikes and the car. We call it advertising. Advertising is done in many other ways.

Advertising helps us to increase our business and make people trust our company. With the help of advertising, we help us in connecting customers from other districts, regions, and abroad. And people are aware of our company, which gives us a lot of benefits in the future.

Types of Advertising

  1. Display Ads
  2. Social media Ads
  3. Newspaper and Magazines
  4. Outdoor Advertising
  5. Radio and Podcasts
  6. Direct Mail and Personal Sales
  7. Video Ads
  8. Product Placement
  9. Event Marketing
  10. Email Marketing


Display Ads

This includes digital and newspaper advertisements. People prefer to read the news on mobile rather than on paper. Because of which both time and money are saved. The concept of display advertisements has come up for this e-newspaper. In this, we can create advertisements for our business and give it to a company publishing e-newspapers. This publishing company will display the advertisement given by us in its e-newspaper.

Social Media Ads

As we all know that the volume of active users of social media is very high. And people are more attracted to social media. When we play ads on social media, it helps us more than our customers. Because users are very active on social media, due to which it is easy for us to spread our business advertising to more people. On social media platforms, we can do advertising in any way like video, text, audio, etc. Types of advertising media

Newspapers and Magazines

We do advertising in newspapers and magazines to have more trust in our local and valuable clients. Because even today people rely more on the things printed in the newspaper. And there are many reasons why people trust the newspaper. Because it cannot be changed once it is printed, newspapers and magazines are printed and published very carefully.

Outdoor Advertising

We use outdoor advertising to make people aware of our company’s brand. As you may have noticed, on the truck, on the outside wall of the house, a company logo or something of its identity is printed. Because of which we can identify the company.

As you may have noticed, on the truck, on the outside wall of the house, a company logo or something of its identity is printed. Because of which we can identify the company. Outdoor advertising gives us a lot of support from people, this advertising makes the brand image of the company in the minds of the people. By which people tell each other about the brand of the company.

Radio and Podcasts

Only audio ads can be placed on radio and podcasts. Most people use this advertising to give prices or some static information. Nowadays the conduction of advertising on the radio has almost stopped. Because the users of the radio are very useful.

Direct Mail and Personal Sales

Direct and personal selling is used by businessmen to sell their products directly. They send related product information to people by post. This advertisement is used by live surveillance in commercial industries. Our activity is then noted with the help of website cookies as we see shoes on a website. And then we get mail for buying shoes from various websites and that too with offers.

Video Ads

Video ads are used by the company to better identify their products. And how do customers use it and why do they want to use it, why is it better for you?

This advertising is especially seen on YouTube.

Product Placement

In product placements, the company has to display its product among the people. For example, you might have seen a bike standing on behalf of your company in the mall, market, etc. This is called product placement.

Event Marketing

You can identify event marketing by name only, for this, companies do events on their behalf and give information about their product. Many people are gathered in one place. For this, use the ground or hall. And the product of your company is brought there and shown to the people, this is called event marketing.

Email Marketing

Email marking and direct email are almost the same as there is little difference. For example, indirect email marketing, we mail the specifics to our clients. To provide information about your product. Whereas in email marketing we target the email used to be our client. In this, the mail is sent to many people about their product.



All these types of advertising media are very important but most important of all is social media advertising because you all know that nowadays people use social media very much. Because of which your business information reaches as many people as possible.


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